1. On enrolment, a Non-Refundable Registration Fee of R800 per child is payable, in advance, to the school.
2. Signed enrolment forms create a binding agreement between parties to pay the requisite fees on a monthly basis for schooling for one child from the commencement date to December of each year.
3. A one month school fee amount is required as a deposit, payable over a 3 month period. This deposit is refundable provided you have given the required written notice of 30 (thirty) days before your child leaves the school and that your school fees are up to date.
4. This agreement is binding for a fixed period of 12 (twelve) months, and which is subject to the standard cancellation conditions set out hereunder.
5. All school fees are payable in advance and are payable as usual during a child’s absence whether it be due to illness or if away on holiday, etc.
6. School fees are payable by the 5th of every month.
7. A 5% early settlement rebate applies if paying annually in advance in January.
8. Families with more than one child enrolled at the school qualify for further rebates. This rebate only applies if the account, including all other fees, is settled in full each month before the required date.
9. A 30 day written notification is required when removing the child from the school.
10. Electronic fund transfers are the preferred method of payment. No cash may be handed to the teachers, or left in the book of communication.
11. You may also instruct your bank to make a scheduled payment to the school every month.
12. Vanilla holdings/ Smart Start pre-primary will add all additional costs or fees solely related to late collection, penalties and aftercare etc., onto your monthly invoice.
13. School fees may increase annually by the standard industry increase.
Over and above the monthly school fees, Smart Start pre-primary school charges for the following amounts.
16. Late payment penalty of 10% added to all outstanding funds if not received and paid by the 5th of every month.
17. Late collection of your child penalty:
R50 17:30 to 17:45
R100 17:45 to 18:00
R150 18:00 to 18:30
R200 from 18:30
18. Parents are expected to pay for their child’s stationary requirements;.
19. Should the school fees (including all other due and payable fees) for whatever reason not be paid within 5 (five) working days after they become due, Vanilla holdings (Pty) ltd / Smart Start pre-primary reserves the right to:
1.Immediately prevent the child from further school attendance and /or
2.Cancel the contract entirely with immediate effect and/or
3.Claim all amounts that may be payable in terms of the contract and/or
4.Hand over the outstanding account to a debt-collecting agency and/or
5.Charge a 10 % penalty on all outstanding amounts per month and/or
6.Send the default notice of the account holder to all credit vetting databases in South Africa
20. One (1) calendar months’ notice, in writing, is required to be given when withdrawing the child from the school for any reason. Payment in lieu of notice may be given. The parent will still be liable for fees until the end of the notice period.
December is seen as part of the school year. No TERMINATION OF CONTRACT will therefore be accepted from the 1(first) November as the parent/guardian will be liable for payment of fees up to the end of December.